'Tis the Season

Sorry for the late post, but I’ve been a bit busy loving up on Fave Niece and  Fave Nephie. 
Yes, I confess. With all the talk I’ve been doing over the past couple of weeks of family togetherness at the holidays, I had a secret I was keeping. A Christmas Surprise of my own. 
I flew out to New York for a surprise visit for the holidays!
Ever since Mom retired this past summer, she has been staying with Dearest Seester in New York. Dad has been going back and forth as his teaching schedule allows, but I’m at the mercy of the Day Job (police work never takes a vacation, after all). I may be an adult, but Mom was upset that I was going to be spending the holidays alone. This would be the first time we’ve been split as a family for the holidays.
Little did she know! 
I’ve had this surprise visit planned since September. Do you know how hard it is to keep a secret that long?! 
So now, after a couple of travel mishaps,  I’m here, Fave Niece snuggled up with me and Fave Nephie showing me all his favorite toys. While I do have to come home Christmas Eve, for the short while that I’m here, I’m going to have fun and get all the toddler hugs and kisses and snuggles that I can, and catch up with Mom and Seester. :)
It’s good to have the family together again during Christmastime, even if it’s only for a few days. 
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! 


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