TBR Thursday: Amanda Jayde

Good Morning! Welcome to the first in my new series–TBR Thursday–where I introduce you to a new author and book to add to your pile. This week I welcome fellow Common Elements Romance Project author Amanda Jayde.

Welcome Amanda! First, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Well, let’s see, I was born and raised in The Bronx. My mom will tell you I always had a book with me, growing up we had a little shelf filled with books. So I guess that fostered my love for reading. And though I write mostly paranormal and contemporary under my Pen Name Amanda Jayde, I tend to prefer to read historical romance most times. I am a huge geek, love comic book movies and going to comic conventions. I am also known for my love of Hallmark movies (especially the Christmas ones) which I am unashamed of.

Where are you currently living? What is one thing you do or don’t like about it?

 Central Florida – Home of Disney World! I moved here about twelve years ago after most of the rest of my family had already relocated so I was one of the last and I love it.

The one downside to living here is the heat in the summer – but I moved away from NYC to get away from the cold, so I just crank up the A/C and deal with it or hit the pool.

What was your favorite job before becoming a writer?

I’ve always found something to like about every job I’ve had, but the one I’d go back to in a heartbeat if the employees were still the same was the alumni office in a medical school that I temped in. It was a fun group with people I still keep in touch with today.

When and why did you begin writing?

I started writing consistently about fifteen years ago. I began with western Fan Fiction tied to an old 90’s TV show and then branched out. It was the readers of those stories that gave me the courage to pursue writing with my original stories.

Which writers inspire you the most?

Historical writers I love are Sarah MacLean, Julia Quinn, and Stephanie Laurens. The paranormal writer I’ve always loved is Sherrilyn Mcqueen (nee Kenyon).

Can you describe your writing process?

It changes up a bit from book to book. Sometimes I will plot a whole book before I write it and sometimes I just do a loose outline and see what happens. However, for every book I write I do tend to research a LOT. I love it, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a real place or a legend I can spend weeks on research alone. I also will put some kind of playlist together with songs that inspire the story, there is always one song that is a theme song. For Beguiled it was a song called More of You by Josh Groban. I also like to cast my book. Usually it’s actors or models that my characters resemble in my head and I’ll use that for inspiration. I’ll put them in a Pinterest board for online ease. And I always keep a binder that I call my book bible. It helps to keep all my research and ideas straight. Once it comes time to actually write, I try to get something down every day, even if it’s just 100 words.

Tell us about your Common Elements book.

Initially, I thought I would write a short that connected to my Dark Wolf series, but when the elements were announced I couldn’t figure out a way to tie it back to those particular books. Then I remembered I had written a novella called Spellbound in a time travel anthology called Time Out of Darkness about a witch that I wanted to build into a series. So I thought I would dip into that world for a bit. We find our hero Noah reluctantly returning to his home town after several years away to take care of his uncle’s estate after he inherited not only his childhood home but some familial abilities as well. To complicate matters his solitude is invaded by a medium named Maxine who had been invited to the home prior to his uncle’s death. They become trapped together in the home due to a thunderstorm and together they find some secrets, spirits, and a little seduction while Noah has to come to grips with what he is and how Max fits into his life.

Where did the idea for Beguiled come from?

I had the three book series about witches sort of planned out, so I wanted to come up with another story, and I tried to think about what am I was missing in those books. I thought the idea of someone whose abilities came from dark magic would be interesting, especially if he were the hero. Then I thought what if this dark witch wanted nothing to do with the abilities he had inherited and what if he finds himself falling for this other person who also has abilities, and the story was born out of those what-ifs.

Does it fit in with your other books and series?

This is only loosely connected to my previous novella, but it will begin a whole new series that I am really excited about called Boudoirs and Broomsticks.

Ok…time for the Hot Seat!

1.If you could go to the past or future, where would you stay and why?

I used to be a civil war reenactor, and I’m also a massive Anglophile, so I would love to go back to Victorian England, or at least my romanticized version of it.

2. When people look at me, they would never guess that I…

I wanted to pursue musical theater. I have always loved it, I will rock out to musical soundtracks any day or night. I don’t get to see live theater as much as I’d like to living in FL, but when I get home to NY, I do try to see a live show if I can.

3. What was your favorite toy when you were a kid? 

Not sure – maybe dolls, I think I always had a bunch of them. Barbies were always big for me, and I always made sure Ken was the most romantic of boyfriends.

4. What is your favourite motivational phrase or quote?

Live every day as if it were your last because someday it will be. – I heard it as a teen and it always stuck with me.

What is the next project you’re working on?

I am now working on the follow-up to Beguiled called Bewitched. It’s the story of a cursed witch who is confronted with the one she let get away. A man who just might be the death of her … literally.

Where can we find out more about you and what you write? 

Website: www.amandajayde.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/authoramandajayde
Twitter: www.twitter.com/authoramandaj
Instagram: www.instagram.com/authoramandaj
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4451613.Amanda_Jayde
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/amanda-jayde
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/amandajayde/

I am also just starting up a monthly newsletter. I’m hoping the first one will go out in December. Newsletter Sign up: http://eepurl.com/gIrz4f

Thanks so much for joining us, Amanda! You can get your copy of Beguiled at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, IndieGo, and Angus & Robertson by clicking here.

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